Prise de vue latente #97(detail)


19 - 20 July 2017

P'tit Atelier with Aurélie Pétrel

Let's photograph the moon !


The Centre invites all teenagers, from 7 to 14, to a workshop with artist Aurélie Pétrel !

How do we create an image ? Can it be falsed, wrong ? Can we play with the reality when taking a photograph ? Reproduce it, falsify it ? 

From famous images of the space & moon, we will wonder together how to transform reality while creating it. 

Come & explore with Aurélie Pétrel how photography can play with us, by converting known photographies into something completely different ! 



April, Thursday 6 & Friday 7
10 am to 5 pm
Fees : 30 euros / 24 euros (reduced fee )
Lunch to be planned


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